Schedule a Discovery Session

Our guild includes dozens of art, writing, and translation professionals, so that you can be matched with the perfect Logan Masterworks guild member.


What's your story?

We're eager to hear your story! For the past 15 years, our arts and letters technicians have empowered people like you. Whether you're working on marketing materials, website content, a novel, a memoir,  a book of poetry, or a collection of short stories, a technical or medical book, we have the professional you need. If you're in search of high-quality art, writing, and translation services, you've come to the right place.

Your are not alone in this

Let's chat. Our writing coach will address the specific needs of your business or personal writing.


Schedule a one-on-one discovery session. Meet on the phone or via video conferencing. It’s entirely up to you! During your session, your coach will provide expert feedback on your personal (or business) writing goals.

Schedule a FREE session with our Senior WRITING Coach

A Path Forward: You will  discuss your personal or business writing goals, and your coach will provide a specific path to keep you motivated and on-track.

Schedule a free session today by filling out the form below or emailing!